The Newness | Boko Maru + Rejjie Snow + The Yard

   An audio atom bomb dropped in January and with the death toll at a staggering thousand, C. Since took some time to recover and estimate the damage. Now that we’ve had time to reflect, we’re back and fully prepared to bless your ears with the “Newness” of February. This time, we’re traveling internationally to … Continue reading

Post – Apocalypse | What’s Ahead in 2013 A.D.

 In the words of Thomas Jefferson, “It’s going down!” 2013 is here and most of us are more than relieved to put 2012’s trending topics behind us. #InstagramPrivacyPolicies, #YOLOFaceTattoos, and #YouSoRatchetBlahBlah are officially past phrases. After surviving the impending doom of December’s delicate Apocalypse, it looks like we’ll be ready for anything in the months ahead. So while everyone is New Year-resoluting and conjuring up KimK baby names, be sure … Continue reading

New This Month | Albums + Vids + Events

New This Month | Albums + Vids + Events

The “end of the world” is bringing tons of  new music this month  (and a lot more panhandlers with those “The End is Near” signs). With that being said, C. Since has compiled a quick list of newly released albums, videos + films, and events that will have you head nodding and tear-wiping into the New Year– … Continue reading

Video of the Day | Jaden Smith…The Coolest

  It seems the Karate Kid has grown up right before our eyes. Today, Jaden Smith (son of Will and Jada Smith) released “The Coolest”, the first single from his up-and-coming project, The Cool Cafe. The track title explains it all sonically- cool vibes, a jazzy bass line, and simple percussives (all produced by The Stuyvesants). The … Continue reading

A Note from the Narrator

  It’s been pretty quiet around the Common Since… laboratory. The summer seems to have stripped the site of its contributors as well as its posts. Cooley has been working on two albums, an internship, and traveling to the 2012 Olympics; our wonderful photographer Louee has ventured his camera to the depths of the Amazon jungle; and Mr. Crow Jones has dedicated … Continue reading

Dear White People [as told by Cooley S.]

 Dear White People is a “satire about being a Black face in a white place” written, directed and produced by Justin Seimein. In addition, Lena Waithe (writer for the viral video “Shit Black Girls Say”) contributed a producer’s hand to the film. In its full title “Dear White People;  The Amount of Black Friends Required to Not Seem Racist Has Been Raised … Continue reading

Th!s Music | “EverLasting” + “Hillside”

Since signing his record deal with Warner Brothers, we haven’t heard much from Dyme-A-DuZin. However last week, the single, EverLasting, was released featuring Dymez, XV, Denzil Porter, and vocalist, TS Rose.  EverLasting is the first single from the Black Hero Theme Musik mixtape by Grammy-winning beatsmith, Omen. Like Dyme-A-DuZin, Omen is a New-York based music producer who has created tracks for Redman, Memphis Bleek, Ludacris, … Continue reading

Common Since…Photo Series | Censorship

Yes, we know. We were a bit late on last month’s photo installment but rest assured, we’re back with a photo for this month’s theme: Censorship. This theme was inspired by George Orwell’s 1984, a novel set in a dystopic society where citizens were brutally oppressed by their government. This government (known as Big Brother) used the distortion … Continue reading

Zazu Times Two | The Audio Artist

Biomedical engineer by day, hip-hop lyricist by night; Zazu Times Two is somewhat of a musical Clark Kent. Hailing from Athens, Georgia, the 22-year old is reconstructing what we refer to as “hip-hop” through lyrical content and instrumentation. On September 10th, 2011, Zazu released his first solo album, Better Red Than Never. The album is a … Continue reading