About the Creator

   My name is Katrina Lenzly, also known as Cooley Savant. I’m currently a junior at Savannah College of Art and Design majoring in graphic design. Though I’ve been  I’m sure you’re wondering drawing and editing for a long time, I’ve come to realize that I love music more. I was in my high school marching band for four years and I play french horn, mellophone, flute, piano, and oboe. I’m also a hip-hop emcee in the group P.o.S.Ers, and our band We’re Not Athletes.

CommonSince… began as high school business class project. Myself and four other classmates were assigned to create a business plan and as the project progressed, my vision for CommonSince… expanded. The potential for the idea grew and after graduation I decided to begin this business venture.

My goal in CommonSince… is to see growth in a project I was told would fail. I hope readers see the same potential I see in the magazine and I also hope that artists and musicians will benefit from a magazine developed specifically for them.

You can check out my music at: www.cooley-savant.bandcamp.com

Also, follow my Twitter @cooleysavant

2 thoughts on “About the Creator

  1. Trina! Looks GREAT! Mine looks NOTHING, like this! But I will be on it tomorrow! lol Subscribe please! and i DEF has subscribed!!! Keep up the good work!

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